Homemade Creamy Almond Milk Recipe
May 4, 2017

Almond Milk Recipe
Most almond milk available in stores has several additives, so the healthiest option is always to make your own. When we teach people here at WTI how to make almond milk they are always surprised at how EASY it is!
– 1 cup organic almonds (soaked for 6-8 hours or overnight)
– 2-4 cups water
– You can add 1-2 dates to sweeten it up, vanilla, or cacao powder for a chocolate flavor.
Step 1:
Soak almonds overnight or for 6-8 hours.

Step 2:
Drain almonds, and combine with 2 cups fresh water in a blender. Add dates, vanilla, or cacao if using.

Step 3:
Blend for 7-9 minutes. The longer you blend the more you will get from the almonds!

Step 4:
Place a nut bag over a pitcher or a bowl and strain out the remaining almond fiber. The remaining liquid that drains through is your almond milk!
