The Importance of Gradual Change
Just losing the weight doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Health is all about nutrifying your life. It’s about making changes to your life—literally choosing “life” over “death” each moment of your life.
Just losing the weight doesn’t mean you’re healthy. Health is all about nutrifying your life. It’s about making changes to your life—literally choosing “life” over “death” each moment of your life.
Real change comes from slowly transforming your habits. The gratitude journal is the first healthy habit we work to instill. It’s the first because it sets the tone for the rest. Here’s how, and why, to do it!
Above and beyond being simply addictive, sugar is also one of the main things driving the obesity, autoimmune, and heart disease epidemics currently running roughshod through our culture. Let’s kick it! Here’s how:
The great thing about awareness is that once a bad habit is identified—and we understand the why behind it—we can change it, slowly, step by step.